RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
Obesity is one of the social health problems in recent years. Due to the static systematics of city life, human beings become fatter day by day, and as a result, it is possible for other serious health problems to arise.
RYN Gastric Bypass (also known as gastric bypass surgery); It is defined as a type of surgical operation that involves the reduction of the stomach as well as a new connection between the stomach and the small intestine. These operations are generally bariatric surgery applications and are effective in the permanent treatment of obesity. These procedures, which are mostly performed laparoscopically, are performed by field expert surgeons in a fully equipped operating room environment.
Obesity; It is the main cause of many health problems, especially endocrine system diseases. Universal evaluations made; The complications that may arise from all treatments for obesity show that obesity is not more dangerous than itself.
Therefore; People's overweight status, that is, obesity, is a disease and its treatment is mandatory. This problem, which continues to be a health problem in all countries of the world, has become a serious problem, especially in the United States, and public measures have begun to be taken.
However, surgeries are not procedures that people can decide on their own. Physicians and health institutions decide whether this practice is necessary through clinical monitoring, that is, examinations, for people with obesity problems. Obesity surgery operations such as RYN Gastric Bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are listed among the solutions against obesity. These procedures are also known as gastric ligation, stomach reduction or weight loss surgery.
What is RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery?
With planned obesity surgery, your stomach is divided into two main sections, one of which is quite small, using special surgical materials (Laparoscopic). The small stomach section to be created is mouthed to an area approximately 50-70 cm long from the initial part of the small intestine, and the system is regulated by reconnecting the two intestines, which will allow your bile and pancreatic secretions to reach the 100-150 cm area that continues after this level.
This surgery first aims to reduce the volume of food taken due to the small stomach pouch (30-50 cc) newly created by surgery. Secondly, as a result of the delayed encounter of the small amount of food eaten with the pancreatic and bile fluids, it prevents the intake of all the calories it contains, thus providing weight control.
Unlike the gastric sleeve, RNY Gastric Bypass both reduces food intake and prevents the intake of all calories in the food consumed. Of course, which of these applications to perform will be decided based on the analysis made by the physician, not on possible common complication situations.
With a post-operative diet program, physical activity regulation and sports, the person reaches his ideal weight and long-term weight control is achieved as long as he follows the rules.
After the surgery, the first 6-8 weeks begin with liquid and then pureed foods under the supervision of a dietitian, and then switch to normal food over time. In the following 3-6 months (while the new stomach gains health), you will adapt to your new and appropriate eating habits over time. Patients also begin taking recommended vitamin and mineral supplements (usually vitamins with iron and calcium supplements), which may need to be repeated in some patients after surgery.
Regarding nutrition after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and the nutrition protocol declared to you. Otherwise, you may encounter serious problems. The difference between RNY Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve and the details of both applications will be explained to you by your physician. In your decision-making process, you should not first take into consideration conditions such as RNY Gastric Bypass surgery price, but prefer whatever your doctor prescribes for you.
Possible Complications of Surgery
Risks of RNY Gastric Bypass surgery; Weight loss surgery includes the physical risks associated with the surgical procedure itself and the risks that the stress associated with any major surgery places on your vital organs and body. One or more of the adverse events described below may occur in any patient.
If there are stones in the gallbladder during pre-surgical checks, your surgeon may recommend removing the gallbladder in the same surgery. Because a sick gallbladder may not be able to keep up with regular weight loss and may cause problems that may even lead to clinical problems. On the other hand, if there are no stones in your gallbladder, there is no need to remove the gallbladder. If you still have your gallbladder after surgery, it should be checked with ultrasound at regular intervals to see if stones have formed during the weight loss process.
Based on hearsay information such as the harms of RNY Gastric Bypass or the disadvantages of RNY Gastric Bypass.
Do not search. Be sure to get information about this from your doctor and only rely on the information provided by healthcare institutions.
History of RNY Gastric Bypass
Jejunoileostomy applied by Kremen in 1954; This is the first time that weight loss has been observed using these methods. Mason and Ito; In the early 60s, RYN officially developed and began to perform Gastric Bypass surgery. Vertical Band Gastroplasty was developed by Mason in 1982, but sufficient efficiency was not achieved. Following this, adjustable Gastric Band applications began to be used in 1982 and 1993.
How is RNY Gastric Bypass Done?
When it comes to surgical treatment of obesity, many methods can be mentioned. There are different applications in the operation group defined as RNY Gastric Bypass, and the method to be chosen may vary depending on the person's condition. Bariatric surgery methods or other obesity surgeries; It is not a priority choice. To ensure that the person can lose weight naturally, the diet to be applied and the additional treatments prescribed by the physician are the primary preference.
However, in some cases, these methods are used to lose weight, and after a diagnostic evaluation, it is determined that the person needs this surgery; In other words, the physician confirms that he/she is suitable for this surgery and the procedure is performed.
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y (RNY) Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) Sleeve Gastrectomy (Stomach Tube, Vertical Gastrectomy) Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAGB) Biliopancreatic Diversion (Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS))
These are the basic methods used.
In all of these applications, the detail of the application involves reducing the volume of a part of the stomach by neutralizing it. Although the surgical details of the applications vary depending on the type, they are considered advanced surgical procedures. These procedures, defined as weight loss surgery as prescribed by the Ministry of Health, the Chamber of Medicine and international medical authorities, can be performed laparoscopically, with or without an incision.
Which of these applications will be used will be announced to the patient by the physician after the evaluation.
How Many Hours Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Take?
First of all, since bypass surgery requires extra procedures, unlike sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the surgery time is also extended. This surgery takes 1 to 2 hours on average and may take longer if different complications develop. In the surgery performed with 5-6 incisions, general anesthesia is applied and the duration of anesthesia is not included in the duration of the surgery. The recovery period after RNY Gastric Bypass, which must be performed by doctors who are experts in the field, will begin quickly if the given list is followed. Thanks to this procedure, which allows you to lose weight faster than gastric sleeve surgery through direct intervention in the intestines, patients can lose between 10-15 kg in the first month, depending on the person's initial weight.
To Whom Can It Be Applied?
RYN Gastric Bypass; It is considered appropriate in case of morbid obesity and if the person has or is at risk of developing different diseases due to obesity. In other words, surgical methods can be used in the treatment of obesity that has become life-threatening.
In general, there is no distinction between the operation for men or women. It is suitable for every individual, provided that they are adults. Of course, this suitability should be evaluated by the physician or physicians after clinical analysis. People cannot make the decision to have surgery to lose weight on their own. The only competent authority on this matter will be physicians. The answer to the question of who can have RNY Gastric Bypass surgery is; It can be understood more clearly in the following subheading.
Who Cannot Apply?
When it is said to whom RYN Gastric Bypass cannot be applied, the answer actually depends on who surgical operations are generally not applicable to. This operation is not suitable for anyone who has general obstacles to surgery. Since it is a stomach surgery, it will also be necessary to pay attention to some details specific to stomach diseases.
During the Preoperative Evaluation of Bariatric Surgery Patients, it will be analyzed whether the person is suitable for this operation. Bariatric surgery, in the treatment of obesity; In other words, since it is an operation used in the treatment of diseases such as endocrine system disorders, there is generally no obstacle for diabetic patients. However, in the analysis to be performed, the physician decides whether additional complications occur for these patients.
When respiratory system disorders are generally risky in all operations using anesthesia, this evaluation must be made in detail.
Those with heart, blood pressure and circulatory system disorders must have their medications adjusted and/or be fit for surgery before having these surgeries.
Stomach and intestinal diseases are the most critical applications for this operation. Those with such diseases may even need to be kept waiting for a while for treatment. In this case, the path prescribed by the physician is followed.
RNY Gastric Bypass application does not occur in case of pregnancy.
This operation cannot be performed for minors.
This application is not suitable for those with geriatric problems at an older age.
What Ages Is It Suitable For?
Although RNY Gastric Bypass is an operation suitable for adults, in some cases it can also be applied to younger age groups. For patients over the age of 60 and patients under the age of 18, advanced measures can be taken and the application can be carried out with special equipment and protocols. However, for this, a full consultation must be done by the physician.
RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery Risks and Complications
Situations defined as risks and complications in RYN Gastric Bypass surgery;
Early life
Bleeding Leakage Embolism (intravascular clot) lung closure wound infection Hernia at the incision site Late Period
Intestinal Obstruction Gastrointestinal ulcer Hernia at the incision site Stone in gallbladder Possibility of Gallbladder Removal
It is listed as follows. However, there is no clinical data to show that these conditions will definitely occur. It is commented that one or some or all of these complications may occur in any patient, with different probability of occurrence. However, since bariatric surgery procedures are generally low in complications, the incidence of major external complications is low in people who undergo surgery to lose weight.
Recovery Process After RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
The recovery process after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery is not a very fast process, but it is a process that can be easily overcome provided that the doctor's recommendations are followed. Additionally, there are different recovery periods depending on whether open surgery or closed surgery (Laparoscopy) is performed. The 6-month period after the surgery is as follows.
First Month After Surgery
After RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, all possible complications are generally seen in this process. Clinical monitoring of the patient and constant analysis of the situation is necessary. While there is a significant decrease in the feeling of discomfort between 7-14 days, the person can gradually return to his/her daily life in the following period.
3 Months After Surgery
After the first month after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, the person returns to his normal daily life. During this process, clinical monitoring is carried out at certain periods. The general condition of the patient is monitored and the situation is evaluated with laboratory data. It is necessary to pay attention to the diet status during this process.
6 Months After Surgery
The patient is generally considered to have recovered within 6 months after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. During 6-12 months, all complication risks are eliminated and the patient returns to his normal life. After this process, the patient must pay attention to his diet and do appropriate exercises. This procedure is a method used for obesity treatment; It is not a single solution. If the patient breaks his diet, weight regain may occur in the long term; The application loses its effectiveness.
Things to Do Before and After Gastric Bypass Surgery
One of the techniques used to combat obesity and obesity-related diseases is RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. Patients who resort to surgical methods for this purpose should not forget that they may have high success rates with the surgical step, but this does not mean that they can continue their old eating habits. All stages without regulating eating habits and consuming healthy food cannot ensure the permanence of RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. For this reason, everything that can be done for a healthy and balanced diet and healthy life should be pursued.
Things to Do Before RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
All your examinations will be performed before the surgery. Obesity rate and general health status will be checked from head to toe. If you are not a suitable candidate for RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, your doctor will advise you to lose weight before having surgery. In addition, you should know that approval is required from a doctor working in at least five different specialties, including endocrinology and cardiology. You should not consume any solid or liquid food, starting 8 - 12 hours before the day of surgery. Before the operation, tests for respiratory functions and the stomach and intestinal system are checked from all angles. Detailed health history information is obtained, such as the patient's muscle structure, muscle ratio, fat ratio, diseases, and medications used regularly. At this stage, you need to give all the necessary data to your doctor without hiding anything. Otherwise, you may increase the risks of surgery.
Things to Do After Gastric Bypass Surgery
The most important issue after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery is nutrition. During your diet, you should increase the number of meals but also reduce your portions. For the first 24 hours, you should definitely have a liquid-only diet. Then you can switch to solid food gradually and in small amounts. You need to swallow your solid foods by chewing them thoroughly. You may experience mild pain after the surgery. Your doctor will give you painkillers for this. After your pain is completely gone, you should continue your routine check-ups regularly.
The moment you decide to eat is near; You should not consume any liquid beverages, including water, 30 minutes before a meal. At the same time, you should not consume liquid drinks, including water, before half an hour after eating. It is dangerous to consume solid and liquid foods together during meals. You should proceed only in solid – only liquid form and in small proportions. A person should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. However, you may not be able to exceed 1 liter of water in the first days after surgery. In addition, when consuming water, you should sip it in sips and never use a straw. In this way, you should consume little by little.
After the surgery, the nutrition program you need will be arranged by your physician and dietitian. You should choose a protein-dense diet. You should revise your eating habits; You should minimize junk food, fried foods, excessively fatty, salty and sugary foods. After you get through the first days, there is no harm in increasing your water consumption to two liters or more. You should keep your bites as small as possible and chew them as much as possible. It is recommended that this process begins immediately after the surgery and continues for life. Do not rush to work. You can return to your working life 7 days after the operation, depending on the type of your job. However, during the first processes, definitely stay away from heavy work conditions, lifting loads and intense work. If the patient who will undergo the operation is a woman, she should not experience pregnancy for at least one year. Therefore, you can start using birth control medication by getting support from your gynecologist. There was no harm in having a pregnancy with the supervision of a dietician.
Nutrition After RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
RNY Gastric Bypass surgery; These are operations in which the physical structure of the stomach changes. Those who have gastric bypass surgery are required to make some changes in their eating habits after the surgery, at least during the recovery period. The most important thing to pay attention to here is; It is a situation where there is a restriction in the intake of acidic, gaseous and fatty foods.
In order not to put too much strain on the stomach, hard-to-digest foods (proteins) that must be consumed daily should not be consumed all at once, but should be spread over time as much as possible. In fact, this diet is similar to the methods used in gastric or ulcer treatment. It is more appropriate for the patient to consume small amounts of food and generally consume fibrous foods without fat.
Patients who have RNY Gastric Bypass surgery should also consume liquids slowly. It is imperative to avoid consuming foods and liquids that will cause bloating in the stomach. Exercise Recommendations After RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
Six months after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, especially the first three months; It is a process in which exercise and even behavior must be changed. In this process, exercises that use less abdominal muscles are recommended. However, it is not correct to say that there is only one type of exercise that is definitely valid for every patient. Depending on the type of application and patient condition, the exercises to be selected may vary. Additionally, as it may be necessary not to exercise due to complications, you should pay attention to your doctor's comments on this matter. Since serious side effects may occur, especially in the case of sports activities, you should not take action in such cases without obtaining approval from your physician.
RNY Gastric Bypass or Gastric Sleeve?
Your doctor will decide which method to use after looking at the blood values and endoscopic examination results.
Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 30(Ek sayı 1):60-65, 2014
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Bariyatrik Cerrahi Prof.Dr. Ahmet Çorakcı –
Obezitenin Cerrahi Tedavisi Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 30(Ek sayı 1):60-65, 2014 doi:10.5222/otd.supp1.2014.060
http://www.temd.org.tr/admin/uploads/tbl_gruplar/20180618095001-2018tbl_gruplar1b2cd981a1.pdf 67 – 84
http://www.temd.org.tr/admin/uploads/tbl_gruplar/20180618095001-2018tbl_gruplar1b2cd981a1.pdf S79 – 90
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Obezitenin Cerrahi Tedavisi Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 30(Ek sayı 1):60-65, 2014 doi:10.5222/otd.supp1.2014.060
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Bariyatrik Cerrahi Prof.Dr. Ahmet Çorakcı Ufuk Tıp Fak. End.ve Met.BD
Obesity is one of the social health problems in recent years. Due to the static systematics of city life, human beings become fatter day by day, and as a result, it is possible for other serious health problems to arise.
RYN Gastric Bypass (also known as gastric bypass surgery); It is defined as a type of surgical operation that involves the reduction of the stomach as well as a new connection between the stomach and the small intestine. These operations are generally bariatric surgery applications and are effective in the permanent treatment of obesity. These procedures, which are mostly performed laparoscopically, are performed by field expert surgeons in a fully equipped operating room environment.
Obesity; It is the main cause of many health problems, especially endocrine system diseases. Universal evaluations made; The complications that may arise from all treatments for obesity show that obesity is not more dangerous than itself.
Therefore; People's overweight status, that is, obesity, is a disease and its treatment is mandatory. This problem, which continues to be a health problem in all countries of the world, has become a serious problem, especially in the United States, and public measures have begun to be taken.
However, surgeries are not procedures that people can decide on their own. Physicians and health institutions decide whether this practice is necessary through clinical monitoring, that is, examinations, for people with obesity problems. Obesity surgery operations such as RYN Gastric Bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are listed among the solutions against obesity. These procedures are also known as gastric ligation, stomach reduction or weight loss surgery.
What is RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery?
With planned obesity surgery, your stomach is divided into two main sections, one of which is quite small, using special surgical materials (Laparoscopic). The small stomach section to be created is mouthed to an area approximately 50-70 cm long from the initial part of the small intestine, and the system is regulated by reconnecting the two intestines, which will allow your bile and pancreatic secretions to reach the 100-150 cm area that continues after this level.
This surgery first aims to reduce the volume of food taken due to the small stomach pouch (30-50 cc) newly created by surgery. Secondly, as a result of the delayed encounter of the small amount of food eaten with the pancreatic and bile fluids, it prevents the intake of all the calories it contains, thus providing weight control.
Unlike the gastric sleeve, RNY Gastric Bypass both reduces food intake and prevents the intake of all calories in the food consumed. Of course, which of these applications to perform will be decided based on the analysis made by the physician, not on possible common complication situations.
With a post-operative diet program, physical activity regulation and sports, the person reaches his ideal weight and long-term weight control is achieved as long as he follows the rules.
After the surgery, the first 6-8 weeks begin with liquid and then pureed foods under the supervision of a dietitian, and then switch to normal food over time. In the following 3-6 months (while the new stomach gains health), you will adapt to your new and appropriate eating habits over time. Patients also begin taking recommended vitamin and mineral supplements (usually vitamins with iron and calcium supplements), which may need to be repeated in some patients after surgery.
Regarding nutrition after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and the nutrition protocol declared to you. Otherwise, you may encounter serious problems. The difference between RNY Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve and the details of both applications will be explained to you by your physician. In your decision-making process, you should not first take into consideration conditions such as RNY Gastric Bypass surgery price, but prefer whatever your doctor prescribes for you.
Possible Complications of Surgery
Risks of RNY Gastric Bypass surgery; Weight loss surgery includes the physical risks associated with the surgical procedure itself and the risks that the stress associated with any major surgery places on your vital organs and body. One or more of the adverse events described below may occur in any patient.
If there are stones in the gallbladder during pre-surgical checks, your surgeon may recommend removing the gallbladder in the same surgery. Because a sick gallbladder may not be able to keep up with regular weight loss and may cause problems that may even lead to clinical problems. On the other hand, if there are no stones in your gallbladder, there is no need to remove the gallbladder. If you still have your gallbladder after surgery, it should be checked with ultrasound at regular intervals to see if stones have formed during the weight loss process.
Based on hearsay information such as the harms of RNY Gastric Bypass or the disadvantages of RNY Gastric Bypass.
Do not search. Be sure to get information about this from your doctor and only rely on the information provided by healthcare institutions.
History of RNY Gastric Bypass
Jejunoileostomy applied by Kremen in 1954; This is the first time that weight loss has been observed using these methods. Mason and Ito; In the early 60s, RYN officially developed and began to perform Gastric Bypass surgery. Vertical Band Gastroplasty was developed by Mason in 1982, but sufficient efficiency was not achieved. Following this, adjustable Gastric Band applications began to be used in 1982 and 1993.
How is RNY Gastric Bypass Done?
When it comes to surgical treatment of obesity, many methods can be mentioned. There are different applications in the operation group defined as RNY Gastric Bypass, and the method to be chosen may vary depending on the person's condition. Bariatric surgery methods or other obesity surgeries; It is not a priority choice. To ensure that the person can lose weight naturally, the diet to be applied and the additional treatments prescribed by the physician are the primary preference.
However, in some cases, these methods are used to lose weight, and after a diagnostic evaluation, it is determined that the person needs this surgery; In other words, the physician confirms that he/she is suitable for this surgery and the procedure is performed.
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y (RNY) Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) Sleeve Gastrectomy (Stomach Tube, Vertical Gastrectomy) Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAGB) Biliopancreatic Diversion (Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS))
These are the basic methods used.
In all of these applications, the detail of the application involves reducing the volume of a part of the stomach by neutralizing it. Although the surgical details of the applications vary depending on the type, they are considered advanced surgical procedures. These procedures, defined as weight loss surgery as prescribed by the Ministry of Health, the Chamber of Medicine and international medical authorities, can be performed laparoscopically, with or without an incision.
Which of these applications will be used will be announced to the patient by the physician after the evaluation.
How Many Hours Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Take?
First of all, since bypass surgery requires extra procedures, unlike sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the surgery time is also extended. This surgery takes 1 to 2 hours on average and may take longer if different complications develop. In the surgery performed with 5-6 incisions, general anesthesia is applied and the duration of anesthesia is not included in the duration of the surgery. The recovery period after RNY Gastric Bypass, which must be performed by doctors who are experts in the field, will begin quickly if the given list is followed. Thanks to this procedure, which allows you to lose weight faster than gastric sleeve surgery through direct intervention in the intestines, patients can lose between 10-15 kg in the first month, depending on the person's initial weight.
To Whom Can It Be Applied?
RYN Gastric Bypass; It is considered appropriate in case of morbid obesity and if the person has or is at risk of developing different diseases due to obesity. In other words, surgical methods can be used in the treatment of obesity that has become life-threatening.
In general, there is no distinction between the operation for men or women. It is suitable for every individual, provided that they are adults. Of course, this suitability should be evaluated by the physician or physicians after clinical analysis. People cannot make the decision to have surgery to lose weight on their own. The only competent authority on this matter will be physicians. The answer to the question of who can have RNY Gastric Bypass surgery is; It can be understood more clearly in the following subheading.
Who Cannot Apply?
When it is said to whom RYN Gastric Bypass cannot be applied, the answer actually depends on who surgical operations are generally not applicable to. This operation is not suitable for anyone who has general obstacles to surgery. Since it is a stomach surgery, it will also be necessary to pay attention to some details specific to stomach diseases.
During the Preoperative Evaluation of Bariatric Surgery Patients, it will be analyzed whether the person is suitable for this operation. Bariatric surgery, in the treatment of obesity; In other words, since it is an operation used in the treatment of diseases such as endocrine system disorders, there is generally no obstacle for diabetic patients. However, in the analysis to be performed, the physician decides whether additional complications occur for these patients.
When respiratory system disorders are generally risky in all operations using anesthesia, this evaluation must be made in detail.
Those with heart, blood pressure and circulatory system disorders must have their medications adjusted and/or be fit for surgery before having these surgeries.
Stomach and intestinal diseases are the most critical applications for this operation. Those with such diseases may even need to be kept waiting for a while for treatment. In this case, the path prescribed by the physician is followed.
RNY Gastric Bypass application does not occur in case of pregnancy.
This operation cannot be performed for minors.
This application is not suitable for those with geriatric problems at an older age.
What Ages Is It Suitable For?
Although RNY Gastric Bypass is an operation suitable for adults, in some cases it can also be applied to younger age groups. For patients over the age of 60 and patients under the age of 18, advanced measures can be taken and the application can be carried out with special equipment and protocols. However, for this, a full consultation must be done by the physician.
RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery Risks and Complications
Situations defined as risks and complications in RYN Gastric Bypass surgery;
Early life
Bleeding Leakage Embolism (intravascular clot) lung closure wound infection Hernia at the incision site Late Period
Intestinal Obstruction Gastrointestinal ulcer Hernia at the incision site Stone in gallbladder Possibility of Gallbladder Removal
It is listed as follows. However, there is no clinical data to show that these conditions will definitely occur. It is commented that one or some or all of these complications may occur in any patient, with different probability of occurrence. However, since bariatric surgery procedures are generally low in complications, the incidence of major external complications is low in people who undergo surgery to lose weight.
Recovery Process After RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
The recovery process after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery is not a very fast process, but it is a process that can be easily overcome provided that the doctor's recommendations are followed. Additionally, there are different recovery periods depending on whether open surgery or closed surgery (Laparoscopy) is performed. The 6-month period after the surgery is as follows.
First Month After Surgery
After RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, all possible complications are generally seen in this process. Clinical monitoring of the patient and constant analysis of the situation is necessary. While there is a significant decrease in the feeling of discomfort between 7-14 days, the person can gradually return to his/her daily life in the following period.
3 Months After Surgery
After the first month after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, the person returns to his normal daily life. During this process, clinical monitoring is carried out at certain periods. The general condition of the patient is monitored and the situation is evaluated with laboratory data. It is necessary to pay attention to the diet status during this process.
6 Months After Surgery
The patient is generally considered to have recovered within 6 months after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. During 6-12 months, all complication risks are eliminated and the patient returns to his normal life. After this process, the patient must pay attention to his diet and do appropriate exercises. This procedure is a method used for obesity treatment; It is not a single solution. If the patient breaks his diet, weight regain may occur in the long term; The application loses its effectiveness.
Things to Do Before and After Gastric Bypass Surgery
One of the techniques used to combat obesity and obesity-related diseases is RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. Patients who resort to surgical methods for this purpose should not forget that they may have high success rates with the surgical step, but this does not mean that they can continue their old eating habits. All stages without regulating eating habits and consuming healthy food cannot ensure the permanence of RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. For this reason, everything that can be done for a healthy and balanced diet and healthy life should be pursued.
Things to Do Before RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
All your examinations will be performed before the surgery. Obesity rate and general health status will be checked from head to toe. If you are not a suitable candidate for RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, your doctor will advise you to lose weight before having surgery. In addition, you should know that approval is required from a doctor working in at least five different specialties, including endocrinology and cardiology. You should not consume any solid or liquid food, starting 8 - 12 hours before the day of surgery. Before the operation, tests for respiratory functions and the stomach and intestinal system are checked from all angles. Detailed health history information is obtained, such as the patient's muscle structure, muscle ratio, fat ratio, diseases, and medications used regularly. At this stage, you need to give all the necessary data to your doctor without hiding anything. Otherwise, you may increase the risks of surgery.
Things to Do After Gastric Bypass Surgery
The most important issue after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery is nutrition. During your diet, you should increase the number of meals but also reduce your portions. For the first 24 hours, you should definitely have a liquid-only diet. Then you can switch to solid food gradually and in small amounts. You need to swallow your solid foods by chewing them thoroughly. You may experience mild pain after the surgery. Your doctor will give you painkillers for this. After your pain is completely gone, you should continue your routine check-ups regularly.
The moment you decide to eat is near; You should not consume any liquid beverages, including water, 30 minutes before a meal. At the same time, you should not consume liquid drinks, including water, before half an hour after eating. It is dangerous to consume solid and liquid foods together during meals. You should proceed only in solid – only liquid form and in small proportions. A person should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. However, you may not be able to exceed 1 liter of water in the first days after surgery. In addition, when consuming water, you should sip it in sips and never use a straw. In this way, you should consume little by little.
After the surgery, the nutrition program you need will be arranged by your physician and dietitian. You should choose a protein-dense diet. You should revise your eating habits; You should minimize junk food, fried foods, excessively fatty, salty and sugary foods. After you get through the first days, there is no harm in increasing your water consumption to two liters or more. You should keep your bites as small as possible and chew them as much as possible. It is recommended that this process begins immediately after the surgery and continues for life. Do not rush to work. You can return to your working life 7 days after the operation, depending on the type of your job. However, during the first processes, definitely stay away from heavy work conditions, lifting loads and intense work. If the patient who will undergo the operation is a woman, she should not experience pregnancy for at least one year. Therefore, you can start using birth control medication by getting support from your gynecologist. There was no harm in having a pregnancy with the supervision of a dietician.
Nutrition After RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
RNY Gastric Bypass surgery; These are operations in which the physical structure of the stomach changes. Those who have gastric bypass surgery are required to make some changes in their eating habits after the surgery, at least during the recovery period. The most important thing to pay attention to here is; It is a situation where there is a restriction in the intake of acidic, gaseous and fatty foods.
In order not to put too much strain on the stomach, hard-to-digest foods (proteins) that must be consumed daily should not be consumed all at once, but should be spread over time as much as possible. In fact, this diet is similar to the methods used in gastric or ulcer treatment. It is more appropriate for the patient to consume small amounts of food and generally consume fibrous foods without fat.
Patients who have RNY Gastric Bypass surgery should also consume liquids slowly. It is imperative to avoid consuming foods and liquids that will cause bloating in the stomach. Exercise Recommendations After RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery
Six months after RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, especially the first three months; It is a process in which exercise and even behavior must be changed. In this process, exercises that use less abdominal muscles are recommended. However, it is not correct to say that there is only one type of exercise that is definitely valid for every patient. Depending on the type of application and patient condition, the exercises to be selected may vary. Additionally, as it may be necessary not to exercise due to complications, you should pay attention to your doctor's comments on this matter. Since serious side effects may occur, especially in the case of sports activities, you should not take action in such cases without obtaining approval from your physician.
RNY Gastric Bypass or Gastric Sleeve?
Your doctor will decide which method to use after looking at the blood values and endoscopic examination results.
Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 30(Ek sayı 1):60-65, 2014
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Bariyatrik Cerrahi Prof.Dr. Ahmet Çorakcı –
Obezitenin Cerrahi Tedavisi Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 30(Ek sayı 1):60-65, 2014 doi:10.5222/otd.supp1.2014.060
http://www.temd.org.tr/admin/uploads/tbl_gruplar/20180618095001-2018tbl_gruplar1b2cd981a1.pdf 67 – 84
http://www.temd.org.tr/admin/uploads/tbl_gruplar/20180618095001-2018tbl_gruplar1b2cd981a1.pdf S79 – 90
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Obezitenin Cerrahi Tedavisi Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 30(Ek sayı 1):60-65, 2014 doi:10.5222/otd.supp1.2014.060
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Obezitenin Tedavisinde Geçmiş ve Güncel Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulamaları Şeyda GÜNGÖR – Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Muş, Türkiye
Bariyatrik Cerrahi Prof.Dr. Ahmet Çorakcı Ufuk Tıp Fak. End.ve Met.BD