Revisional Bariatric Surgery
Revisional obesity surgery is the replacement of obesity surgeries that have previously been performed on the patient but had inadequate or unsuccessful results, with other obesity surgery methods. The duration of the operations performed in this context depends on the previous surgery and usually takes 1-3 hours. The patient's hospital stay is 3-4 nights. Which types of obesity surgeries can we revise:
- Converting gastric band operation to rny gastric bypass operation It is the most commonly performed type of revisional surgery. The previously applied gastric band is removed and gastric bypass surgery is performed. In 8 out of 10 cases, removal of the cuff and conversion to bypass occurs in a single surgery. If the gastric band irritates the stomach too much, the gastric band is removed and gastric bypass surgery is performed 3 months later.
- Converting gastric sleeve surgery to rny gastric bypass operation
- Placing a gastric clamp on gastric sleeve surgery
- Re-sleeve after gastric sleeve surgery
- Converting gastric band operation to sleeve gastrectomy operation
- Gastric clamp placement on RNY gastric bypass surgery
- Extending the intestinal connection in RNY gastric bypass operation