Metabolic Surgery (Diabetes Surgery)
What is metabolic syndrome?
If cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and stroke develop due to high blood sugar, increase in bad cholesterol (LDL), decrease in good cholesterol (HDL) and high blood pressure caused by obesity, this condition is called metabolic syndrome.
Why should metabolic surgery be performed?
Today, surgical procedures performed to treat metabolic syndrome as well as weight control are called metabolic surgery. With bariatric and metabolic surgery, weight control is achieved and diseases that may develop due to diabetes (such as kidney, eye, cardiovascular diseases, stroke) can be controlled by lowering fasting blood sugar to normal limits.
What are the metabolic surgery methods?
Bariatric and metabolic surgical methods are examined in 3 separate classes according to their mechanism of action. These are classified as restrictive, malabsorptive, and a combination of the two, similar to obesity surgery.
- Stomach (gastric) bypass
- Roux-n-Y
- Mini (Single anastomosis) – Gastric bypass
- Bilio-pancreatic diversion + Duodenal Switch
- ileal interposition
- Transit Bipartition
Who are candidates for metabolic surgery?
Patients with Type 2 diabetes who are not prevented from receiving general anesthesia, who have difficulty controlling it with medications, who have obesity or metabolic syndrome, and who can secrete sufficient insulin from their pancreas, are candidates for metabolic surgery.
How does metabolic surgery work?
As a result of the changing hormonal status after surgery, insulin resistance decreases and tissues become sensitive to insulin. In addition, insulin-secreting beta cell functions in the pancreas improve.
In patients suitable for surgery, up to 90% improvement in diabetes and related metabolic syndrome is achieved for 8-10 years after surgery.